Using XT2 on XT handlebar power

For help and advice on the Garmin Zumo XT2.
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Using XT2 on XT handlebar power

Post by semiroundel »

I fitted the charging/docking point on my bike for my previous XT and want to re-use it for the XT2.
What repercussions are there for doing that, will it fit?
I know that the XT2 has a higher charging ability hence the new mount, but I'm not bothered by that, I just want to know if I can use the old one without detriment.
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Re: Using XT2 on XT handlebar power

Post by Stu »

I have seen a few people stating that the xt2 fits on the XT mount and works fine!
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Re: Using XT2 on XT handlebar power

Post by TripleThreat719 »

Garmin cautions against it. They indicate that it is a loose fit on the XT mount and you run the risk of the XT2 falling off the XT mount. No more work than it is to install a mount, I'd personally replace the mount and charging cable to take advantage of the standard 12V power into the XT2, and to not risk my new GPS from taking a leap to freedom while riding... but that's just me...
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Re: Using XT2 on XT handlebar power

Post by semiroundel »

TripleThreat719 wrote: 27 May 2023 17:50 Garmin cautions against it. They indicate that it is a loose fit on the XT mount and you run the risk of the XT2 falling off the XT mount. No more work than it is to install a mount, I'd personally replace the mount and charging cable to take advantage of the standard 12V power into the XT2, and to not risk my new GPS from taking a leap to freedom while riding... but that's just me...
Actually I took your advice and would you believe it-it's got a much stronger hold on the unit than the XT mount had-good call!
Also, I never trusted the XT mount and put a tether onto it to keep it roped up in case it fell, and the XT2 doesn't have enough space for the tether base to stick to, so it had to be changed anyway.
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Re: Using XT2 on XT handlebar power

Post by Stu »

350283595_5909415369168899_2723104603528111183_n.jpg (189.72 KiB) Viewed 5145 times
According to that the Garmin tread and the Zumo XT2 are backwards compatible with the Garmin zumo xt mount ;)
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Re: Using XT2 on XT handlebar power

Post by jfheath »

Old thread I know, but - Yes the XT2 will fit and XT1 mount and will be powered and charged by it.

I have a spare XT mount. When I was testing RUT behaviour, I commented to tech support that the one that I was using was a refurbished replacement - my original having gone dead. Since they couldn't reproduce the issue that I was describing ** - they wanted to make sure that I had a brand new unit to see if that solved the problem. No it didn't. But they only wanted the XT back - not the mount or the cable.

So my 'spare' XT mount is on my desk secured to a nice mahogany base with a ramball mount. The XT2 mounts in the XT1 cradle perfectly, and I have a tranformer that will supply 12v at 4A to the original XT cable. This powers and charges the XT2 perfectly. The XT2 is not a loose fit in the XT1 cradle. The latch springs into place much more easily when when the XT2 is fitted than it does when the XT1 is inserted - the XT2 has a clear audible clunk. It is impossible to wiggle the XT2 around when it is in place. The only way that it can jump out is if that spring clip is shaken loose. It is quite a strong spring, and that is not going to happen. But with the XT1 I have to make sure that the latch has clicked into place It requires a good firm push at the top for the spring to overcome the friction and pop up all of the way. There is no doubt about it when the XT2 is clipped in.

But to be clear about this - it is not the latch that holds it in place - it is the moulding on the back of the XTs. The size of this moulding is identical on both devices. The latch simply stops the XT1/XT2 from tilting out of the the moulding. The XT2 has a marginally wider slot for the latch to spring into so it makes a resounding clunk. There is no way that the Zumo can move around to bounce up against the latch spring. Once behind the latch, the Zumo cannot move up, down or sideways. I suppose a severe knock could break the latch itself. But it normal movement and vibration won't break it.

In my opinion from my experience with three XT1 mounts, if the XT1 does happen to spring out, then either the latch wasn't seated properly in the first place or it has been caught and accidentally pressed. Anyone who has lost an XT will obviously say that it was secured - because that is what they believe. And it is definitley possible to make the error of thinking that the latch has sprung up all of the way, when it is actually stuck part way. You do have to check each time. Push it in firmly and observer the the latch pop up. Try to pull it off. ie you have to check each time. It is impossible to prove one way or the other though once the unit has bounced down the road. Mine never have - but I know to check every time. The XT2 has a much more positive and very audible CLUNK.

The reason that the XT1 cannot clip into the XT2 cradle is because the XT2 mount has a rectangular ridge around the power pins. The XT2 has rectangular slots moulded into the back to accommodate that ridge. The XT1 doesn't have a recess so it cannot be pressed home into the XT2 mount.


** It turned out that they were running my test route under simulation. Since the problem only happened when you deviate from the route, and they cannot artificially reproduce that - it was never going to create the problem. I had told them this - never mind, I got a free upgrade and a spare cradle out of it - which I find extremely useful.
Have owned Zumo 550, 660 == Now have Zumo XT2, XT, 595, 590, Headache
Use Basecamp (mainly), MyRouteApp (sometimes), Competent with Tread for XT2, Can use Explore for XT - but it offers nothing that I want !

Links: Zumo 590/5 & BC . . . Zumo XT & BC . . . Navigating with Zumo Booklet